Superior Beats for Independent Artist

Level up your sound with industry quality beats.

Unlimited Access

Instantly access library of beats, with new beats uploaded every week.

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Unlimited Rights

You get unlimited rights to all the beats uploaded in our platform. All that we ask is if your song surpasses 1 million streams, you contact us to negotiate splits with the producers.

See Terms

Exclusive Community

Network with other Artist for features, feedback and connections.

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Let's Work!


Hi, I'm Henri, the founder of Wholeheartrecords, and I've been using my love of music production to help independent artist for the last 5 years. Join our community to level up your music career.


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What can you expect from a Membership?

We are all about getting you making as much music as you can. The more music you create, the more motivated you will be. With our membership, you can count on three things:

Beat Feed

Fresh beats uploaded every week, usually every few days.

High Quality Stems

Need stems for your engineer? Request stems for any beat in our library and get delivered straight to your email.

Community Access

Access exclusive community of artist for collaboration, features, & feedback on your music.



Our most popular plan

  • Industry Quality Beats
  • Unlimited Rights
  • Members Community
  • Unlimited access to extensive library of beats!
Start My Free Trial

Membership means unlimited access


Sign up for a free 30 day trial membership, and enjoy unlimited beats and community access. 

Don't have a signature song yet?  

Browse free beats.  

Let's work together on making some hits. 

I'd love to have you as a part of our growing community.

Get Started Today